
T3 Talent

Talent and executive placement articles authored by T3 Sixty.

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How to Retain Top Talent

How to Retain Top Talent

Leaders are often so focused on finding great talent that they forget that once they make a great hire, they need to keep them. This requires starting out on the right foot and staying there.

Why Leaders are Connectors

Why Leaders are Connectors

There are many attributes that come to mind when thinking about leaders: intelligent, focused, passionate, strategic, ambitious, disciplined and determined.

Identify Your Company’s Uniqueness to Attract the Right Talent

Identify Your Company’s Uniqueness to Attract the Right Talent

In today’s competitive hiring landscape, it is important to identify your company’s uniqueness. It’s easy. Just follow these four simple steps:

Leverage an Experiential Assignment to Gauge Candidate Skills

Leverage an Experiential Assignment to Gauge Candidate Skills

Job skills aren’t always obvious and can be difficult to screen for during a standard interview. Incorporating an experiential assignment into the hiring process can be a game changer.

Are You a People Developer?

Are You a People Developer?

While hiring is a critical part of building a business or company, part of the success equation is to continue developing people once they have joined you.

My Inbox Is Flooded

My Inbox Is Flooded

Have you considered what Talent opportunities are out there to help improve your team? My suggestion is do it, and do it now.

Thriving in a Down Market through Retention

Thriving in a Down Market through Retention

In the real estate industry, a lot of time is spent talking about recruiting strategies. Retention is often a secondary priority, put on the back burner until companies begin experiencing high levels of attrition.

How to Set Up an Agile Hiring Process

How to Set Up an Agile Hiring Process

This exclusive excerpt comes from the 2023 Swanepoel Trends Report. Now in its 19th publication, the STR is the definitive analysis of the most impactful trends shaping the industry. The report is available in digital and print formats.

Key Brokerage Leadership Roles

Key Brokerage Leadership Roles

This exclusive excerpt comes from the 2023 Swanepoel Trends Report. Now in its 19th publication, the STR is the definitive analysis of the most impactful trends shaping the industry. The report is available in digital and print formats. To function…

How to Be Lean and Productive When the Market Shifts

How to Be Lean and Productive When the Market Shifts

This exclusive excerpt comes from the 2023 Swanepoel Trends Report. Now in its 19th publication, the STR is the definitive analysis of the most impactful trends shaping the industry. The report is available in digital and print formats. The high…

Why Questions Should Be a Way of Life, Not Just Part of the Interview Process

Why Questions Should Be a Way of Life, Not Just Part of the Interview Process

In a culture full of noise and electronics, the art of questioning and listening can easily get left behind. The good news is that since few people spend time asking questions and listening, it can be a way to instantly…

Psst: The Secret Step To Hiring Success

Psst: The Secret Step To Hiring Success

The secret step to hiring success is the Talent Profile. Typically when someone starts the hiring process, they have a job description. A job description identifies the roles and responsibilities for each role in an organization. However, what is often…

Four Steps to Job Search Success

Four Steps to Job Search Success

T3 Talent spends a large amount of time helping candidates find their next ideal career transition. What we have discovered is that not only do companies not know the best practices and processes for hiring, it is not intuitive for…

Why Use A Hiring Process?

Why Use A Hiring Process?

Using a hiring process reduces the amount of subjectiveness – or confirmation bias – that normally occurs when you attempt to conduct the selection process without a standardized system or approach. Confirmation bias is the tendency to interpret...

Six Tools For Video Interview Success

Six Tools For Video Interview Success

Six Tools For Video Interview Success With video technology continuing to play a significant role in our lives, understanding how to maximize video to have a successful interview has become more important. T3 Talent leverages video interviewing...

Guilty Until Proven Innocent

Guilty Until Proven Innocent

If you genuinely like people, the hiring process can be fraught with danger. During an interview, you may find yourself focusing on what you like about the person instead of their skills and accomplishments, ultimately hiring them and then having…

How Do I Look for and Find a Job Quickly

How Do I Look for and Find a Job Quickly

One of the biggest issues that job seekers face today is looking for and landing another job quickly. And a big misstep job seekers make is not taking the time to conduct due diligence on a company and the manager…

The Art Of Pre-screening

The Art Of Pre-screening

If you are like many in this industry, you are highly social, and meeting people is something you enjoy. Because of the social nature of the real estate industry, companies tend to give every candidate a shot at a face-to-face…

How to Pick a Company

How to Pick a Company

A big part of looking for and finding a job quickly is doing your due diligence and making a scorecard where you identify what you are and are not looking for in your next job or career move. That scorecard…

How To Get The Real Scoop On A Candidate

How To Get The Real Scoop On A Candidate

Have you ever wondered why reference checks never seem to uncover the real scoop on a candidate? Or do you talk yourself out of doing references, using the excuse that, “Human Resources won’t let anyone tell me anything anyway?” Well,…

How to Make a Career Pivot

How to Make a Career Pivot

A career pivot is the act of finding a different career that is still reliant on your current skills, but helps you move into a new trajectory. Often the draw of a career pivot, compared to a career change, is…

The Vulnerability of a Job Seeker

The Vulnerability of a Job Seeker

When working with companies throughout the hiring process, understanding and appreciating the mindset of the job seeker is a critical part of the process. Companies that understand this mindset are looking at their candidates as much more than just a…

How To Avoid The Top 5 Red Flags When Hiring

How To Avoid The Top 5 Red Flags When Hiring

How do you know when you are interviewing someone that they are not just putting on a facade? There is an art and science to being able to determine if a candidate is just good at interviewing or if they…

The Top 5 Attitudes Of A Great Hire

The Top 5 Attitudes Of A Great Hire

How do you ensure that the people you hire are great? The first step to making a great hire is to use a consistent and systematic process. This helps you determine and assess a candidate’s skills and abilities. While this…

The ultimate real estate hiring process

The ultimate real estate hiring process

One of the key components of building a company or a real estate team is acquiring and keeping talented people and one of the quickest ways to derail a company is to hire a poor fit. To hire smart for…

How to cultivate a vibrant remote team culture

How to cultivate a vibrant remote team culture

Over the last couple of years, real estate companies have experienced significant shifts in many areas of their operations, not to mention the lives of their leaders and employees. One of the biggest changes has been the shift to remote…

5 secrets to building a remote super team

5 secrets to building a remote super team

Even prior to the Covid-19 outbreak, the residential real estate brokerage industry, like many others, was gradually evolving toward more remote work. The pandemic, as we know all too well, greatly accelerated this trend...

Leveraging the network effect to improve hiring

Leveraging the network effect to improve hiring

The network effect concept – in which a service increases in value in proportion to the number of its users – has transformed the world, including real estate, primarily with how technology applies, takes advantage of and scales by applying it...

The secret dynamic to finding great talent

The secret dynamic to finding great talent

As the pool for talented employees tightens with the pandemic contributing to people reevaluating their careers and work, the need for strong internal recruiting practices, in which companies identify and develop their future leaders and talent...

The secret to hiring outstanding talent

The secret to hiring outstanding talent

When it comes to hiring, one of the most common blunders companies make involves picking a candidate who does not fit the firm or the position. This can be an extremely costly mistake. There are several reasons why companies hire…